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Nature Of Competition Collusion And Pricing Airline Industry Economics Essay The order of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 disposed o...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Brave New World and Dubliners - 1576 Words

Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley, is a thought provoking novel set in a future of genetically engineered people, amazing technology and a misconstrued system of values. Dubliners, written by James Joyce, is a collection of short stories painting a picture of life in Dublin Ireland, near the turn of the 19th century. Though of two completely different settings and story lines, these two works can and will be compared and contrasted on the basis of the social concerns and issues raised within them. One of the first things stressed in Brave New World is the idea that there is no real discrimination. Though it is true that there is a class system, the classes are derived from the fact that people are genetically engineered†¦show more content†¦Especially if love can be defined as being comfortable and intimate with someone who accepts one for who they are and all they stand for. If that were the case then in Brave New World, in a convoluted way, every single pers on, in belonging to everyone else, also loves everyone else. But as love can not be defined so simply, this is not true. The absence of love in Huxley#8217;s novel is most obviously deliberate, just as the inclusion of love in certain pieces in Dubliners is intentional. The reason it appears obvious is that Huxley goes to great lengths to describe his world in great detail and yet does not mention love as a part of it. The reason love is brought to bear as a social issue is that without it, imagine how bland things would be. For example, fine art would have no passion, literature would contain no romance, music would be lifeless without the soul behind it. All these things and more make love a thing of huge importance in life. Michael Furey, in #8220;The Dead#8221; would not have had The Lass of Aughrim to sing, the narrator of #8220;Araby#8221; would have had no reason to go to the bazaar, in fact, many of the stories within Dubliners may never have been written. Love also pl ays a large role in family. Within Dubliners, family is an important factor in various stories. One such story is #8220;Eveline#8221;. Though it is true that in this situation, the family described may not be a precisely happy one, it is a familyShow MoreRelatedPlay Analysis : Play Dubliners 1187 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 4441 August 21st 2014 Scoring Joyce: The Role of Music in James’ Dubliners Walter Pater pointed out that â€Å"[a]ll arts constantly aspires towards the condition of music† (page number!) in his book The Renaissance. Indeed, music crosses the language barrier and truly conveys the emotion to the audience; it has a powerful appeal to people. 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